Cotton Traders

Inspiration Page - Animation

The animation below is an example of an editorial inspiration page that I designed for the website.

Inspiration Pages

Have a flick through some of the inspiration pages that I’ve designed, or take a look at for more.

Social Posts

Here, I’ve put together a reel of my favourite instagram posts that I’ve created for Cotton Traders - find us @cottontradersuk for more.


I worked on the concepts for the Summer Sale 2021 campaign which saw my idea go from concept to digital and print creative outcomes.

Print Design

I started out at Cotton Traders as an Artworker, and the below carousel is a little collection of some of the projects I’ve worked on for print.


From short and snappy headings to product descriptions I’ve had a go at writing pretty much everything! The below is half a dozen product descriptions I’ve written for homeware.


MISFIT Skincare